About the project
There has been an ongoing discussion at European level about successful integration. Nowadays more sustainable, far reaching, and tailored paths towards working life have been recognized in guidance and counselling for migrants.
The basis and principles of the project KEYS! is to promote the life-long learning strategy, highlight European values, and emphasize equal opportunities, diversity, and social inclusion in Europe
Educational paths have shortened, and migrants enter VET earlier than before, with lower basic skills that they used to develop in integration training or in a language course before entering VET. Due to these changes, education providers involved in migrant education have been facing new challenges.
Language trainers have been in a new situation: they need to develop learners´ key competences and basic skills needed in entering and succeeding in VET in advance in the language course or integration training.
Project KEYS! will give teachers/trainers tools, in other words keys to support learners in developing the basic skills and key competences. From the learner’s viewpoint KEYS! helps to open the doors to education, employment, and society.
Main Objectives
Increase the number of migrants entering VET and getting a VET degree
Smoothen the transition from language/ integration training to VET levels 1–3
Increase the employability of migrants and strengthen their social inclusion
Develop migrants’ key competences so that they can cope with the different work-life situations in terms of continuity of employment
Increase the cooperation between language teachers, VET trainers and employers
Share awareness of the significance of the key Competences
Share and implementbest practices from the participating organizations and countries