
Our team partners

Partners - Axxell
Axxell Utbildning AB – Finland

Axxell is a Finland Swedish VET provider that offers versitile education for both youngsters and adults. As a student at Axxell you can either study to get a VET degree or develop your vocational skills further.

Axxell educates students and develop VET by testing and implementing innovative and flexible methods. We have skilled and well educated staff who use modern and up to date methods to educate students to become skilled workers ready to adapt for future challenges. This work cannot be done in isolation, which is why Axxell cooperates with universities other vocational education providers, NGO’s and other stakeholders on a national and international level. Developing vocational training is an important strategic focus area for Axxell. Axxell has an international team who are experts when it comes to coordinating and implementing international development projects within vocational, adult and migrant education. Axxell is known for its good work and capable staff when it comes to developing new teaching and learning methods and materials, modern approaches for guidance and counselling as well as digital solutions to support all this.

Stichting Regionaal Opleidingencentrum Zuidholland Zuid - The Netherlands

Da Vinci College offers vocational training programs in different sectors, Economics, Enagineering and Technology, Information Technology, Health Care and Social Services.

We offer both IVET as CVET programmes in many different courses. The age of the students at our college ranges from 16 - 22 years old in the IVET courses and in all different ages in the CVET courses.A wide variety of contract programmes is offered, as well as basic education for adults. 

We are aware of the fact that being an ROC we play an important role in society, and also have a great responsibility, to prepare students in an adequate way for their further participation in society. This implies that we continuously work on enhancing relationships with supplying schools, companies and institutions. We have to know what the labour market needs.Trying to respond to the needs of society & the labour market we think that international activities, like mobility for students and staff, will help to get prepared for / work at the international labour market and to be a responsible and contributing citizen.

Da Vinci College has an educational concept that is work based orientated.Tutoring and helping our students to get the maximum out themselves is a leading. We want to know our students and together we work to explore the talents and develop these.Our core values are: Professional, Involved and Ambitious. 

Over the past years lots of students and a growing number of teachers have been offered the chance of an international work placement.

The money received from Erasmus+ is used to give the participants the possibility to have an accredited work placement abroad. We give students not the maximum amount so we can send up to 40% more students with the money we receive.Every participant has to present how the experience impacted their (professional) life to colleagues or fellow students. We also use our website to make visible how an international work placement benefits the development as a human and as a professional.

Students of Da Vinci College have been prize winning several times in the last five years in the contest of Erasmus+ in writing the best report!On a regular basis students also have to present themselves to the management.

We have been cooperating with companies and institutions all over Europa for a long period. Both students and teachers have the possibility to study and work abroad.

In the past few years we participated in 7 different KA2 projects in all kinds of sectors. This year we want to take the responsibility in coordinating this project.

Da Vinci College received the ‘Innovative VET provider Award’ for being the most innovative VET college during the VET skills week 2018. The way we have developed a hybrid form of Teaching in our college was awarded.


CENTRE FOR COMPETENCE DEVELOPMENT CYPRUS (COMCY) is a non-for profit Training, Research and Development Organization, active in the field of project management, training, and education. COMCY focuses on the training and development of various target groups and sectors of the society, including youth groups and vulnerable individuals, seniors, and adults, through the participation in EU programs and initiatives, and the implementation of training and educational seminars in Cyprus and abroad.

Overall, the organization aims to support and empower vulnerable social groups, by offering various opportunities for personal and professional development. In addition, COMCY is a member of the European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA), the European Network of Innovation for Inclusion and the Social Firms Europe (CEFEC). - Greece is an IT Consulting company focused on Training, established in 2012, and located in Patras (Greece). Main objectives of the company is the provision of:

  • quality IT and consulting services in business terms to companies and enterprises in all sectors of economy,
  • training services which address the needs of various target groups,
  • IT services, focusing on web development and creation of online educational platforms,
  • managing and developing of project services, mostly oriented to improve the quality of people, especially people who from socially vulnerable groups.

In addition, the company has a well-established network as it has implemented up to now over 40 European Projects, with the collaboration of over 180 partners, among 24 EU countries. It has implemented hundreds of National Projects and has more than 250 clients in the field of IT and business support. It is also remarkable that has numerous collaborations in projects even beyond Europe. Additionally, it is an active member of EfVET since 2012. is combining training and IT services, by focusing to digital interactive training, through developing and creating online training courses, educational games, gamification tools, web and mobile applications using new and innovative technologies totally respecting WCAG2.0 (accessibility protocols).

The company holds four European awards of best practices, three awards in Greece and one in Lithuania. Its main aim is the digital transformation of businesses and organisations through the innovative exploitation of existing tools guaranteeing a swift, sustainable, and effective process.

AEVA - Associacao Para A Educacao E Valorizacao Da Regiao De Aveiro - Portugal

AEVA is a non-profit association, dedicated to the education and valorisation of Aveiro Region. It is constituted in the form of 'Satellites’ that act among themselves and by themselves in order to satisfy their customers, be it a student, a family, a volunteer, the community, an institutional partner or any other stakeholder, providing solutions in areas such as (re)Qualification, Knowledge Transfer, Social Innovation and care and also at the level of technology, information and communication.

Centro San Viator from Spain

Centro San Viator was founded in 1953 in the region of Enkarterri, in the province of Biscay, in a rural area where job opportunities usually pass through agricultural and livestock activity. Located in a mountainous area and with a rugged landscape, terrestrial communications present not a few difficulties that accentuate the lack of opportunities for the residents of the region.

Centro San Viator offers training from Kinder Garden to High school diploma, including Middle Degree (EQF 3) and High Degree (EQF 5) to meet the needs of more than 1000 students working with a staff of about 100 professionals. Our VET offer includes: Retail, Car Mechanics, Mechanization, Electronics-Electricity, Child Education and Geriatrics. We offer courses for unemployed people, in order to respond to the high percentage of unemployment that currently exists in this region. Complementing our offer, we also promote training courses for active workers.

We are an entity with a strong social character and a priority objective: helping people with fewer opportunities, at risk of exclusion. We annually receive about 150 students who dropped out from other schools or who are at risk of early school leaving.

In 2001 we started working on our quality system and for that purpose we created a specific team as we realized we needed to create new working standards. After 3 years developing all processes, in 2004 we got the ISO 9001:2000 and continued to get, in 2005, the Silver Q in the EFQM system. But we didn’t stop there. We know how important is to keep all the quality systems alive and in 2010 we got the ISO 14001 for environmental management and are now focus in the Gold Q. All this certifies that all tasks done by Centro San Viator fulfil the quality standards required by the different public bodies, as the Educational Ministry, SEPIE (Spanish NA) or the EU.

We are also accredited with Erasmus Charter for Higher Education and the Erasmus+ VET & School Education Mobility Charter KA120

Internationaler Bund - IB Mitte gGmbH für Bildung und Soziale Dienste Niederlassung Sachsen - Germany

IB Internationaler Bund (IB) is one of the largest service providers in youth, social and educational work in Europe. Its motto is Strengthening Being Human. IB has established more than 700 facilities and branches in 300 locations worldwide, helping 350,000 children, adolescents, adults and senior citizens every year with their career and personal planning and offering a wide range of services.

Calasanz Santurtzi S.L. - Spain

San José de Calasanz is a vocational training centre founded in 1969. We are in Santurtzi, municipality of about 50,000 inhabitants on the left bank of the Nervion River, one of the most populated areas of Metropolitan Bilbao in the Basque Country. We have been training students from 0-65 years for 45 years. 

Each year approximately 1,500 students pass through our classrooms, 500 in Compulsory Education (until 16 years) and more than 1,000 studies of initial and vocational training for unemployed people and qualification programs aimed at getting a job. We are professionals working in health, social services and community and business administration and marketing services. We are a private centre of Vocational Training with great tradition in our area of influence. 

San Jose de Calasanz as a vocational training centre has extensive experience in taking part in international projects. Our students and teachers have participated in mobility programs since year 2.005.  Our  Erasmus+ programmes have allowed us to connect with projects related to our area of influence. We work with local development agencies of Santurtzi, the Basque Government, the Basque Innovation Agency Government,  Tknika and  Innobasque. San José de Calasanz is part of the Job Forum in our town in the city of Santurtzi  in which opportunities are studied to create jobs in cooperation with unions, area businesses, neighborhood associations and local development agencies.

We use Hight level ETHAZI methodology solving REAL CHALLENGES as active method to teach. That process involves school, teachers, students and families of this type of initiative in the Community. We look for thematic areas, projects or subjects that are best fit for treatment in the school. We work with students in school long enough with other teachers and students involvement and cooperation of.

ACADEMIA, izobrazevanje in druge storitve d.o.o. - Slovenia

ACADEMIA Ltd. is a privately-owned Higher Vocational Education School with 25 years of experience in the field of Education. Academia performs its activity in a tertiary education level, offering programmes in the fields of Business, Media, Computer Science, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Security.

Awarded with the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education, Academia’s international strategy is based into improving Education at a European and international level. We also aim to develop a solid partnership network and fostering our international relations, allowing us to have a bigger impact in tomorrow’s policies.

Trondheim kommune, Trondheim voksenopplæringssenter - Norway

Trondheim kommune, Trondheim voksenopplæringssenter - Norway of apprenticeship.  We also have students that are preparing for higher education. Our focus areas besides professional learning is Norwegian language as a second  language and andragogy.

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