Learning portfolio
Læringsportefølje for å støtte overgangen fra integrerings-/språkopplæring til yrkesfaglig utdanning
Å lage en nettbasert mappe er en god idé for deg som ønsker å gå fra innvandrer-/språkopplæring til yrkesrettet utdanning, slik at du kan vise frem dine ferdigheter, erfaringer, styrker og utfordringer. Den kan også brukes når du skal søke jobb eller delta på jobbintervjuer med potensielle arbeidsgivere. Målet med en læringsmappe er å hjelpe deg med å identifisere sterke og svake sider og se hvordan du kan bruke dem i karriereløpet ditt. Denne mappehåndboken er en måte å få kunnskap om hvordan du kan lage en mappe og hva den skal inneholde.
TIPS: Når du utformer nettporteføljen din, er det viktig å huske på målgruppen du prøver å tiltrekke deg. Sørg for at porteføljen din er velorganisert, enkel å navigere i og visuelt tiltalende. Det kan også være lurt å vurdere å inkludere multimedieelementer, for eksempel videoer eller bilder der du viser ferdighetene og erfaringene dine på en mer dynamisk måte. Sørg for å oppdatere porteføljen din jevnlig.
I denne mappen vil du konsentrere deg om å vise spesifikke ferdigheter som er knyttet til nøkkelkompetanser. Nøkkelkompetanser er et sett med viktige ferdigheter, kunnskaper og holdninger som hjelper deg å tilpasse deg og lykkes i ulike situasjoner. Å utvikle og forbedre nøkkelkompetanser som kommunikasjon, kritisk tenkning, problemløsning, digital kompetanse, teamarbeid og kulturell bevissthet vil støtte din personlige utvikling og sosiale integrering. Det vil også hjelpe deg med å lykkes i utdanning, arbeid og livet ellers. Ved å dra nytte av denne porteføljen kan du fokusere på og utvikle følgende fem nøkkelkompetanser:
- Lese- og skriveferdigheter
- Personlig, sosial og læringskompetanse
- Matematisk kompetanse og kompetanse innen naturvitenskap, teknologi og ingeniørfag
- Digital kompetanse
- Kulturell kompetanse
Utformingen av porteføljen
Denne porteføljen er delt inn i tre deler
Veier til ditt yrkesvalg
Sertifiseringer, bevis og CV
Veier til ditt yrkesvalg
Ved å fokusere på disse aspektene i læringsmappen din vil du bli oppmerksom på viktige aspekter som vil bidra til din faglige og personlige utvikling i et nytt miljø/land.
Motivasjon: Motivasjon vil hjelpe deg å forstå og dokumentere årsakene til at du ønsker å søke en bestemt yrkesutdanning eller jobb. Ved å sette deg mål som hjelper deg å holde motivasjonen oppe, kan du holde fokus og nå målene dine til tross for de utfordringene du måtte møte.
Personlig, sosial og læringskompetanse: Som innvandrerelev vil du sannsynligvis møte unike utfordringer knyttet til å tilpasse deg en ny kultur, et nytt språk og et nytt utdanningssystem. Ved å analysere dine personlige, sosiale og læringskompetanser kan du få hjelp til å forstå disse utfordringene, og på denne måten kan du også utvikle deg personlig og som student.
Selvevaluering: Ved å reflektere over dine sterke og svake sider, prestasjoner og forbedringsområder kan du følge med på fremgangen din og ta bedre beslutninger om læringsveien din. Det vil gjøre deg mer bevisst på områder der du trenger å fokusere mer for å utvikle ferdighetene som kan hindre deg i å nå målene dine.
Personlige mål: Å sette deg klare mål som du kan nå, hjelper deg med å holde fokus og motivasjon. Ved å skrive ned disse målene i læringsmappen din kan du se fremgangen din, hvor godt du har klart å nå målene dine og feire suksessene dine underveis.
Kulturell forståelse: Det er normalt at du har en annen læringserfaring og læringskultur enn de som er innfødte. Hvis du dokumenterer din kulturs syn på læring og utdanning og sammenligner dette med synet på læring og utdanning i ditt eget land, vil det hjelpe deg til å forstå og respektere utdanningssystemet i landet der du studerer. Dette vil støtte deg i læringen din og øke sjansene dine for å lykkes i utdanningen.
Denne delen av læringsmappen fokuserer på de delene av din tidligere læringsreise og erfaring som ikke bare viser din motivasjon og tilpasningsevne til å studere, men som også viser dine tidligere prestasjoner og potensielle bidrag som vil hjelpe deg å lykkes i studiene. Ved å samle dine erfaringer og prestasjoner i denne læringsmappen viser du at du er klar til å starte studiene ved den skolen du har søkt på. Du kan også bruke denne delen eller deler av den når du skal søke jobb og ønsker å vise en potensiell fremtidig arbeidsgiver hva du har oppnådd og hvilke attester du har samlet på deg.
Sertifiseringer, bevis og CV
Her legger du ved alle attester og dokumenter som viser kompetansen din.
Materials to collect for your learning portfolio
In this part of the portfolio, you are given specific tasks that you can add to your learning portfolio. This learning portfolio can be an online folder that you create for example on Google Drive. When collecting the material remember to name the folder with a descriptive name. You can also create folders for each of the 5 key competences included in your portfolio.
The KEYS! portfolio will help you to:
The portfolio will help you to clarify your goals when it comes to either your future studies or work. It also allows you to get an overview of your skills, competences, and experiences. The portfolio is also a tool that will help you reflect over these skills, competences and experiences and lift up your strengths and areas where you need further development. It will also support you in your transfer from language-/integration training to vocational education.
The portfolio will help you to get a better understanding of your skills and the way you learn as it gives you an overview of your skills and experiences. It can also help you evaluate and put words to what you are good at and what you need to put more effort in. The portfolio can, so to say, follow and support your learning and career path while it gives you a better understanding of your development.
DEL 1: Veier til ditt yrkesvalg - oppgaver du kan gjøre for porteføljen
I denne delen av mappen kan du samle informasjon som hjelper deg med å planlegge din fremtidige profesjonelle utvikling. Du kan visualisere, se tilbake, evaluere og reflektere over fortiden din samtidig som du planlegger din fremtidige profesjonelle utvikling. Her kan du finne korte beskrivelser og oppgaver om:
Motivation can be divided into inner and outer motivation. The inner motivation makes you want to do something because it is dream of yours, it is something you want or need to do for yourself. Outer motivation is when you are driven by outside factors, for example your family wants you to do something, or you need to get a degree in order to get a job. Below are some tasks that will help you examine what motivates you to apply for a vocational degree or for a job. The tasks are split into the 5 key competencies that we are focusing on in this portfolio. If you get stuck or you don’t know what is expected of you when doing the tasks, don’t be afraid to contact, for example, a teacher at the integration- /language training school.
Tasks relevant for motivation:
Task 1: Write a future plan which includes your education and future work – examples on what you can focus on when writing this is integration, independence, cultural expectations, and achievements.
Task 2: Find information about relevant jobs and reflect and compare what type of job would suit you best. Write down your reflections and comparisons.
Task 3: Self-organization and motivation are important when applying to a new education or work. Add to your future plan (Task 1), a concrete action plan on how you intend to reach your goals and give deadlines by when you expect to have reached these goals. (e.g., Weekly – monthly schedules, for example school hours, hobbies and interests, voluntary activities, etc.). Try to be as realistic as possible when writing this action plan.
Personal goals
To succeed in your education you need to set personal goals that are reachable and realistic. To help you reach goals it is important to set both long-term goals as well as short-term goals. A long-term goal can for example be that you will get a degree in the hospitality sector within 3 years and a short-term goal can be that you will improve. You will write a personal CV and presentation letter that you will use when you apply for an education or for work.
Task 1: Look back at goals you had in the past. Think of one goal where you succeeded in reaching the goal and one where you failed in reaching the goal. You can then either write down or discuss with a friend how you managed to reach (what steps/actions did you take) the goal and why you did not reach the goal you had set. When it comes to the goal that you didn’t reach. Think about what you could or should have done differently to reach the goal.
Personal, Social and Learning to Learn competence
Personal, social, and learning to learn competence is the ability to reflect upon oneself, effectively manage time and information, work with others in a constructive way, remain resilient and manage one’s own learning and career. It includes the ability to cope with uncertainty and complexity, learning to learn, support one’s physical and emotional well-being, to maintain physical and mental health, to be able to lead a health-conscious, future-oriented life, empathize and to manage conflicts in an inclusive and supportive context.
On this Section, you are supposed to reflect on your personal, social, and learning to learn competencies, that focuses on communication, collaboration, growth mindset, critical thinking, managing learning, self-regulation, flexibility, wellbeing and empathy (see picture of tree below):
Tasks relevant for personal, social and learning to learn competences:
Task 1: Write a text about yourself. Be clear, give concrete examples.
Task 2: Write a formal text where you express your thoughts on future goals and expectations for the next five years.
Task 3: Write your own motivation letter, based on the results of your self-reflection insights on the questions below. In each section you have some material that can help you with this task. It’s recommended that you read the links below.
Social Competence
- Empathy – How do you usually respond to other people's emotions, experiences, and values? How can you show empathy to someone going through a hard time? Do you find yourself an empathetic person?
- Communication – What is more important for you in communication, talking or listening? Explain. Which tools do you usually use to communicate? Describe a situation where communication failed.
- Collaboration – Do you prefer to work in a team or individually? Why? What do you usually do when someone differs from your ideas or opinions?
- Wellbeing – Do you feel you are a healthy person? Why? What should you do to improve your physical, mental, and social health?
- Flexibility – How do you deal with unpredictable situations? Give an example. What is the most challenging for you at the moment as a student/migrant?
- Self-regulation – Can you understand and manage your emotions? How? What do you do when you feel anxious or frustrated? Do you know how to get help?
Learning to learn
- Growth mindset – What are the things you learnt in your life you are most proud of? Who has been the most influential person in your life? Explain why.
- Critical thinking – What do you do when you have to make an important decision? Describe the steps.
- Managing learning - How do you plan your learning aims and objectives? From 1 to 10, to what extent have you already reached them? Who and what were supportive for your learning? What kind of help do you need to improve yourself?
Tasks relevant for learning to learn competences:
Task 1: Reflect on your personal skills. Make a list of the personal skills you already have and which ones you need to develop further in your future job. You can use the list of your own qualifications when writing a CV.
Self-evaluation is when you critically evaluate your actions and your skills. You try to understand why you have done something, how well you did, what made you succeed or fail in a task or achieving a goal.
Tasks relevant for self-evaluation:
Task 1: Think of what type of education or profession would be suitable for you. Consider the following questions:
- What are you good at and why?
- What skills do you need to improve and why?
Cultural understanding
Cultural understanding and cultural awareness are when you recognize and understand the differences between the country you are currently residing in and the country you originate from. The better your cultural understanding is the better chances you will have to succeed in education or finding and keeping a job.
Tasks relevant for cultural understanding:
Task 1: Write a short text about the first things you noticed when arriving in the country. What similarities and differences did you notice? Express your own thoughts and opinions.
Task 2: In your opinion, what is cultural competence and cultural understanding?
Task 3: Describe how your culture and behaviour differentiates in the country you come from and the country where you are currently living. When doing the comparison focus on cultural competence and employability. One way to demonstrate your cultural competence is with your own behavious and communication, both in person and in writing.
- How can you use your experience and/or background as something that demonstrates strong skills and cultural competence?
- Have you been in situations that have made you aware of your own bias based on your culture (family, society, ethnicity…) and have shown ability to collaborate in diverse situations due to an open, flexible and respectful attitude?
DEL 2: Ferdigheter
Education and qualifications
List your education and any qualifications you have obtained. Be sure to include the name of the institution, the degree or qualification, and the dates of attendance.
Work experience
Detail your work experience, including the job title, company name, dates of employment, and a brief description of your responsibilities and achievements in each role.
Try to find your certificates, such as certificate of integration training, certificate of language practice, work practice, certificate of voluntary work)
Language proficiency
Include information about your language proficiency, including your ability to speak, read, and write in different languages.
Tasks relevant for language proficiency:
Task 1: Can you write a text expressing your thoughts and ideas?
Personal, social and learning to learn skills
● Personal characteristics – strengths / development
● Teamwork
● Communication abilities
● Conflict management skills
● Problem solving
● Time managing
Tasks relevant for personal, social and learning to learn competences:
Task 1: Reflect your personal, social and learning to learn skills based on the list above. What are your strengths? What about weaknesses? How can you improve your weakness?
Write down concrete examples of your strengths to showcase your skills.
Mathematical competence and competence in science, technology, and engineering
General competences are:
- Problem solving
- Critical thinking
- Quantitative reasoning
- Applied mathematics
Tasks relevant for mathematical competence and competence in science, technology, and engineering:
Task 1: Read more specific definitions. Think about these definitions in your everyday life. How do you use these skills and competencies? Please give an example.
- Calculating, thinking logically, understanding shapes such as triangle and circle and functions such as problem solving.
- Proposes, formulates, defines and solves different types of mathematical problems looking for different approaches such as comparing, estimating, measuring etc.
- When we use math to solve problems or understand things, we can guess why things turned out the way they did. But we need to check if our guess is correct by comparing it to other ideas or real-life situations. This helps us be sure we really understand what's happening.
- We use both words and math to explain how we solved a problem using different methods like numbers, pictures, and analysing. We explain how we got our answer and why it makes sense.
- Analyses the relationships between two or more variables in order to determine or estimate their behaviour.
- We use numbers or other ways to describe the things around us, like how big or small they are, how far away they are, or how they compare to each other. We can do this by measuring them ourselves, or by using math to figure it out.
- When we want to understand something, we can either try to predict what will happen based on what we already know (deterministic approach), or we can use chance or probability to try to understand what might happen (random approach). We then explain why we chose the approach we did and why it is useful for understanding the process or situation we are studying.
- Interprets tables, graphs, maps, diagrams and texts with mathematical and scientific symbols.
Digital competences
General competences:
Different servers
- Safari
- Firefox
- Microsoft Edge
Microsoft Office
- Word
- Power point
- Excel
- Acess
- Outlook
- Publisher
- One Note
- Key notes
- Pages
- Numbers
Open Office
Videoconferences platforms
- Teams
- Zoom
- Google meet
- Skype
- Face time
Other apps
- Social Media (e.g. Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, etc.)
- Shop online (e.g. amazon, ebay, uber, etc.)
- Health
- Travel (e.g. booking, airbnb, ryanair, etc.)
- Bank
- Notes
Tasks relevant for Digital Competences:
Task 1: Can you describe/explain why you think it’s important to have digital skills/competences?
Task 2: Describe which different programs/tools you know and if you are able to use them
DEL 3: Sertifiseringer og bevis
Offisielle sertifiseringer som du har fra forelesninger, språk osv…
Hvis du har mottatt priser eller anerkjennelse for arbeidet eller prestasjonene dine, må du huske å inkludere dem i mappen din.
Hvis du har fullført prosjekter eller har arbeidseksempler som du ønsker å vise frem, kan du inkludere dem i mappen din. Dette kan være rapporter, presentasjoner eller andre eksempler på arbeidet ditt.
Til slutt bør du vurdere å legge ved referanser fra tidligere arbeidsgivere eller akademiske institusjoner som kan gå god for kompetansen og erfaringen din.
Lag din Curriculum Vitae ved hjelp av programmet Word eller på nettet (f.eks. Europass)