We got approved! Our Erasmus+ (KA2) Project KEYS in approved! KEYS! From Migrant Education to VET – Developing Key Competences | KEYS last 31 months. We have started on January 2021 and the project ends in July 2023.
Our project’s aim is to explore the current challenges in the field of migrant education. It is important that all migrant learners have the possibility to long career, lifelong-learning, sustainable employment, and social inclusion
The project is addressed to:
- Migrant learners
- VET Providers
- VET Teachers and learners
- language schools and trainers,
- integration trainers,
- policy makers
- employers at workplaces that have experience in working with migrants
- Enterprises
- other stakeholders (Employment office counsellors, Counselling Centers, Skills Centers, schools’ staff, Trade Unions etc.)
The project results:
- An online toolkit
- A learning portfolio and virtual support system
- Drawing up the best practices and recommendations for actors of the field of migrant education
Stay tuned for more info and news!